pic Economics for all: Questions

Thursday, 18 September 2008


Why do black apple imac laptops cost more than white ones for exactly the same technical specification? So the processor is the same, the memory is the same, the screen size is the same, the software is the same but one is white while the other is black.

Why do people buy things from high street shops when they can get the exact same things online but for lower prices?

Why are some people still connected to the internet with dial up when broadband is cheap and readily available in most areas in the country?

Why do grooms rent tuxedos while brides buy their wedding dresses given that the grooms will have many more occassions to use the tuxedos but brides only use their wedding dresses once?

Why are prices for airplane flights so much higher from STA than on the internet for the same flights?

Why do people pay £5 to go to the cinema when they could wait and buy the film on dvd for the same price from ebay?

Why are prices for gas and electricity different from different provider companies when the gas and electricity from the providers is the same?

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